Jouy-en-Josas Elections – Grégoire Ekmekdje’s Public Meeting

About fifty people attended, on Tuesday 4th February, the public meeting organised by Mr. Grégoire Ekmekdje, head of the Un Avenir pour Jouy list. The theme focused on the family issues in Jouy-en-Josas.

Different points relating to this question were raised: demography, organisation of crèches, entertainment and canteens. The problem of the quality / price ratio between the implemented service and the total price paid by families was raised. Grégoire Ekmekdje proposed different solutions such as, for example, joining the commune of Jouy-en-Josas with the central canteen of Bièvre.

Grégoire Ekmekdje presenting his program last night, in the upper hall of the Vieux Marché, in the center of Jouy-en-Josas. Source : UAPJ.

The subject of the cost of all Mr Ekmekdje’s program measures has also been put on the table, especially in the event of entering a one or two year economic slowdown, and this all the more if the French State continues to transfer various charges on the local authorities, notably the municipalities.

A large part of Mr. Ekmekdje’s team was present.

Next article about the Jouy-en-Josas elections: Public meeting organised by Mrs. Marie-Hélène Aubert, head of the Rassemblement pour Jouy list[1]Rally for Jouy list which will take place on Wednesday, February 26 at 8:00 p.m. at the Parc de Diane school.

Links :
facebook : Rassemblement pour Jouy – Twitter : RPJouy

Cover photomontage: BdF.
Sources : RPJ et UAPJ.

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